Ep. 12 - Union Fool
Ep. 12 - Union Fool
As Union Fool (Devin Whitaker) puts it "growing but not quite grown, the pop punk project explores the triumphs and tribulations of love and pain with a voice that's to caustic for its own good!" Kanem, Prabhu, and Zach have a seriously good time talking about song writing, and how sometimes the simple things are what make gold and you don't even know it. We talk about how sometimes even mistakes have to make it to the final mix and master because it is what makes the song human, real, and relatable!
Check out Union Fool at https://www.instagram.com/union_fool/
Music is on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/6JJPRgmUbaHBy2lBsgOi7W?si=3ImiAsqmSi6FROksriIkcQ&nd=1
Stay in the loop to see what awesome pop punk jams come out!
Thank you for watching!
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Tonal Distancing: http://www.instagram.com/tonaldistancing/
Zach Hayes: http://www.instagram.com/zachhayesguitar/
Prabhu "Bhloom" Ragunathan: http://www.instagram.com/bhloomtunes/
Kanem X: http://www.instagram.com/kanemmusic/
Kanem X Music can be found through http://www.kanemmusic.com