Ep. 11 - Nick Ford Pt. I

Nick Ford is our exceptional guitar guru guest! He is a man of tremendous talent and pushes the Tonal Distancing crew beyond the limit with his guitar playing. He shares a lot of guitar gems, from his intro riff, to breaking down scales and how to use them against chords. This is an episode to write down your favorite timestamps so you can come back and really learn the tricks!

Check out Nick Ford at https://www.instagram.com/steellemon/
Nick is a guitar teacher so please reach out to him if you are interested! He is also working on a book, so be sure to stay in tune with him for his in depth lessons!

Thank you for watching!

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Prabhu "Bhloom" Ragunathan: http://www.instagram.com/bhloomtunes/
Kanem X: http://www.instagram.com/kanemmusic/
Kanem X Music can be found through http://www.kanemmusic.com

George Kanem Goddard