Ep. 25 - The Shining Hours

The Shining Hours hang out and chat about their music, how they formed the band, their current plans and future plans. There are some great and funny stories about the trials of finding the right people to play with, and how to keep the band moving forward! They have a great rock/shoe gaze/ whatever you'd like to call it EP out now called "Wasted Time" available wherever music can be streamed.

Check Out The Shining Hours:

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Tonal Distancing: http://www.instagram.com/tonaldistancing/
Zach Hayes: http://www.instagram.com/zachhayesguitar/
Prabhu "Bhloom" Ragunathan: http://www.instagram.com/bhloomtunes/
Kanem X: http://www.instagram.com/kanemmusic/
Kanem X Music can be found through http://www.kanemmusic.com

George Kanem Goddard