Ep. 4 - Welcome to the Jungle and Learning Note for Note

Ep. 4 - Welcome to the Jungle and Learning Note for Note
GUNS N' ROSES! Zach breaks down how he plays the intro to "Welcome to the Jungle", which sounds phenominal and full! Bhloom and Kanem work to follow along and learn. How do you play the intro to "Welcome to the Jungle"? Do you think we've got it? You gonna play it the Tonal Distancing way now?

We talk about the importance of learning the source material lick for lick, riff for riff. For us, the material has to be challenging and push you to another level; iconic and so well pronounced in the audience's mind that it would be rude not to play it right; meaningful to yourself, if it speaks to your soul, you have to learn it; finally, if you are hired to do the song the way it is, you better play what they paid for! Not everything is worth it, but what songs, riffs, or solos have to be learned bit by bit for you?

We get zen on guitar. We go through what riffs, solos, licks provide a re-centering to ourselves, our lives, and our playing. Share with us what grounds you with your playing!

Thank you for watching!

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Tonal Distancing: http://www.instagram.com/tonaldistancing/
Zach Hayes: http://www.instagram.com/zachhayesguitar/
Prabhu "Bhloom" Ragunathan: http://www.instagram.com/bhloomtunes/
Kanem X: http://www.instagram.com/kanemmusic/
Kanem X Music can be found through http://www.kanemmusic.com

George Kanem Goddard